Holy Days and the Evolution of Human Rights

Wright-Wang Extreme Mystery, Inc.

Ever wonder why there was such a proliferation of Saints Days and Holy Days… or holidays as they came to be called… in Medieval Times? Were they just some reason to bring out the relics? The pieces of the True Cross? The Spear of Destiny that pierced Jesus’ side… and was miraculously found on the eve of destruction… thus turning the tide in the Holy Land that led shortly to the conquest of Jerusalem? Were they just some trumped up reason to parade the erstwhile bones of heroic Saints? Locks of hair from virgin Saints? Before the fearful people? To scare the Hell out of them for just a few day. Cow them into submission. Something approaching sanctity… howbeit ever so briefly….

Or… was there something more to it….

The relics and the bones of saints, etc. were physical proof of God’s greatness here on Earth. Saints relics proved to…

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